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Quantum Trading Labs is the official membership site for Quantum Trading customers. If you own one or more Quantum Trading indicators you can join the site by clicking Register.
Welcome to Quantum Trading LABS
Welcome to Quantum Trading Labs!
This website is the official technical portal for the growing family of Quantum Trading across all available platforms. It has been created to keep you up to date with developments both inside and outside the company. Here you will find details on indicators we are planning for the future and enhancements to the existing family of indicators ensuring you always have the latest version of the indicator running on your platform. In addition, we will also update you regularly on our plans for the future, and in particular new platforms that we are considering, and ofourse keep you abreast of the latest developments on existing platforms.
It also goes without saying that we welcome feedback which is why we have created the suggestions forum. We would love to hear from you with your ideas for enhancements to the current indicators, possible new indicator developments and thoughts on platforms both current and those perhaps you would like to see the indicators available for in the future. All your comments would be welcomed and all your ideas will be considered and passed to our development team. We cannot make any promises but will always try our best to include these where possible.
Without our loyal and supportive customers, Quantum Trading would not exist or flourish. This is why we have created Quantum Trading Labs, as an extension of our efforts to provide the finest customer support services possible. We look forward to seeing you here,and thank you once again for your continued support which is always much appreciated.
Anna & David Coulling
Recent Topics
- Accumulation distribution indicator for MT4
- Quantum Dynamic Volatility Indicator
- Ninjatrader 8
- Currency Correlation Software – \"QCCP – QUANTUM CURRENCY CORRELATION PRO\"
- VPOC Indicator Feature requests
- Volume Ratio Indicator
- MT4 Currency Array "Possible Isolation of Currency Pairs in Ranking Table"
- High Volume Node (HVN) and Low Volume Node (LVN)
- EURX for MT4
- Suggesting a forex *Breakout Indicator for mt4..also *Extreme mean reversion ind
Frequently Asked Questions
Do the indicators work with free crossover programs on Mac such as PlayonMac and Wine?
No. Our indicators require a full Windows licence to work correctly. Whilst your MT4 platform may work with the above free programs, our indicators do not, and you will therefore…
I have purchased a new MT4 indicator, but it does not appear in the Navigator window?
If the indicator is a new addition to the range, you may need to download and reinstall the complete package of indicators to add it to your Navigator window to…
Do you charge for ongoing support, transfers or future upgrades to indicators/platforms?
With regard to all our indicators, once you have purchased them we offer all our customers the option to transfer to other platforms in the future, at no cost whatsoever.…
“Your subscription to the indicator has expired. Please contact for assistance.” Why am I getting this error?
This error means that you are trying to load a MetaTrader 4 Quantum Trading indicator that has expired its trial period.
Why is my Live Renko Charts indicator not generating enough bricks?
Your MT4 terminal may have insufficient data for the Live Renko Charts indicator to properly create full Renko charts. You can resolve this by manually initiating the download of all the data…
Why is my QuantumCSI/ QuantumCurrencyMatrix/ QuantumUSDX/ QuantumJPYX/ QuantumDXY displaying no output?
The most common issue here (aside from not being installed properly) is that MT4 broker delivers its symbols with a prefix or a suffix. You can check this in your Market Watch.…
How do I buy a second licence for my indicators?
If you would like to purchase a second licence, please just email us at and our accounts team will create a coupon for you to apply in the shopping…
How can I troubleshoot for any error messages on MT4?
If you have the indicators visible in the Navigator: Open your MT4 platform Go to View>Terminal and this will open a window at the bottom of the platform. Then select…
I have a great trading robot/indicator idea. Can I hire you to code it for me?
Nope. We do not develop custom trading robots/indicators for individual clients.
Are your prices inclusive of tax? If they are, how much?
Yes. If you are in an EU member country then VAT is automatically applied to your total cart price. You can see the computation before checking out where you will see…
What's new in the INDICATORS
Read the latest updates in the Quantum Trading indicators and the ones lined up in the pipeline.

Updates and enhacements to MT4 and MT5 indicators
In addition to the new indicators, which will be rolled out for MT4 and MT5 very soon, the development team also worked on many other upgrades and enhancements to the…

Re: Updates on MT4 and MT5 indicators
As I’m sure many of you know, our development team has been hard at work behind the scenes working on a host of improvements for both the MT4 and MT5…

Another indicator added to MT4/5 – VWAP this time!
I’m immensely proud of our development team at Quantum Trading, as porting the latest indicator across to the MT4/MT5 platform has been a headache for them, but I’m delighted to…

Adding The Volume Indicators To MT4/MT5
I know this is something many of our MT4 and MT5 customers have been waiting for, so I’m delighted to able to reveal that the development team is now hard…

And here they are for NinjaTrader 8 – the new suite of volume based indicators
Once again, I’m thrilled and extremely proud to be able to announce that the suite of new volume-based indicators that our development team has been working so hard on over…

VWAP indicator for NinjaTrader 8 – one of five!!
At Quantum Trading, as I’m sure you know, we don’t just create one indicator. That would be too straightforward. What we like to do is to go that extra mile…

Volume relative strength indicator (VRSI) for NinjaTrader 8
This is the second of our new indicators for the NinjaTrader 8 platform, and what we have christened the volume relative strength indicator, or VRSI for short! As you will…

Market strength indicator (MSI) for NinajTrader 8
The market strength indicator, or MSI for short, is another indicator that many Ninja customers have asked us to develop over the years. So, I’m thrilled to announce the version…

A new indicator you’ve all been asking for…..and here it is…the Market Strength Indicator for TradingView
The Quantum Trading development team has been working flat out for the last few months and perhaps you can understand why we have been rather quiet here as the work…

The NEW VWAP (volume weighted average price indicator) for TradingView – FIVE volume indicators in one!!
And as if producing one new indicator wasn’t enough, here our wonderful development team in the labs has produced FIVE IN ONE! So when you purchase the VWAP indicator, it’s…

Now launching a new volume indicator for TradingView – Volume Relative Strength Indicator (VRSI)
I am delighted and proud to announce the first of several new indicators that are rolling out today on the TradingView platform, following a huge amount of testing and development…

Market Analyzer On NinjaTrader With The Quantum Trading Tools & Indicators
As I mentioned in my post a couple of days ago, the development team at Quantum Trading has been working flat out on a number of large and complex projects,…

Why have we been so quiet in Quantum labs?
We’ve been rather quiet on the Quantum labs site for some time, and there’s a good reason for that, as behind the scenes, our development team has been working flat…

Dynamic Accumulation and distribution indicator – TradingView
Hot off the press from our fantastic development team, this is the first view of our exciting Dynamic Accumulation and Distribution indicator which works in the same way as for…

And first ….the currency strength indicator for Tradestation
The first indicator we have been working on is the currency strength indicator, and as you can see this is now up and running on both the Tradestation US and…

Further Tradestation developments
Just an update on progress and as you can see from the attached we have ported over the Trends, Trend Monitor, Pivots, Volatility and Tick Volumes indicators to the Tradestation…

A first look at the currency matrix for Tradestation
And here is a first look at the currency matrix for Tradestation which is now in beta format as we continue to work on this indicator and the others in…

Currency array indicator for Tradestation
A first look at the currency array indicator for Tradestation which the development team have been working on recently, and which is now in beta release for testing. As you…

Tradestation coming along nicely!
As promised we are posting to update you on our latest developments for Tradestation which are progressing well for both Tradestation Global and also Tradestation Securities. The first offers a…

Two versions of Tradestation now available for the Quantum Trading tools and indicators
With the dawn of the new year and hopefully one where things return to normal, whatever normal may be, we are delighted to announce the dawn of a new platform…
What's new in the PLATFORMS
Find information on the trading platforms supported by Quantum Trading Software

Re: Updates on MT4 and MT5 indicators
As I’m sure many of you know, our development team has been hard at work behind the scenes working on a host of improvements for both the MT4 and MT5…

Another indicator added to MT4/5 – VWAP this time!
I’m immensely proud of our development team at Quantum Trading, as porting the latest indicator across to the MT4/MT5 platform has been a headache for them, but I’m delighted to…

Adding The Volume Indicators To MT4/MT5
I know this is something many of our MT4 and MT5 customers have been waiting for, so I’m delighted to able to reveal that the development team is now hard…

And here they are for NinjaTrader 8 – the new suite of volume based indicators
Once again, I’m thrilled and extremely proud to be able to announce that the suite of new volume-based indicators that our development team has been working so hard on over…

VWAP indicator for NinjaTrader 8 – one of five!!
At Quantum Trading, as I’m sure you know, we don’t just create one indicator. That would be too straightforward. What we like to do is to go that extra mile…

Volume relative strength indicator (VRSI) for NinjaTrader 8
This is the second of our new indicators for the NinjaTrader 8 platform, and what we have christened the volume relative strength indicator, or VRSI for short! As you will…

Market strength indicator (MSI) for NinajTrader 8
The market strength indicator, or MSI for short, is another indicator that many Ninja customers have asked us to develop over the years. So, I’m thrilled to announce the version…

A new indicator you’ve all been asking for…..and here it is…the Market Strength Indicator for TradingView
The Quantum Trading development team has been working flat out for the last few months and perhaps you can understand why we have been rather quiet here as the work…

The NEW VWAP (volume weighted average price indicator) for TradingView – FIVE volume indicators in one!!
And as if producing one new indicator wasn’t enough, here our wonderful development team in the labs has produced FIVE IN ONE! So when you purchase the VWAP indicator, it’s…

Now launching a new volume indicator for TradingView – Volume Relative Strength Indicator (VRSI)
I am delighted and proud to announce the first of several new indicators that are rolling out today on the TradingView platform, following a huge amount of testing and development…

Market Analyzer On NinjaTrader With The Quantum Trading Tools & Indicators
As I mentioned in my post a couple of days ago, the development team at Quantum Trading has been working flat out on a number of large and complex projects,…

Dynamic Accumulation and distribution indicator – TradingView
Hot off the press from our fantastic development team, this is the first view of our exciting Dynamic Accumulation and Distribution indicator which works in the same way as for…

Tradestation is another platform we have in our future plans for development of our indicators. The company is owned by Monex group a publicly quoted company on the Tokyo Stock…

Tradestation is coming soon…….
I’m delighted to confirm our development team are now working on the next platform for the Quantum Trading indicators which is Tradestation. Work has already begun and we will be…

A first look at the currency matrix for Tradestation
And here is a first look at the currency matrix for Tradestation which is now in beta format as we continue to work on this indicator and the others in…

Tradestation update – currency matrix and currency heatmap
A short note to keep you up to date with progress on our next platform which is Tradestation. We are progressing well and have now transferred across two other key…

Currency array indicator for Tradestation
A first look at the currency array indicator for Tradestation which the development team have been working on recently, and which is now in beta release for testing. As you…

Tradestation coming along nicely!
As promised we are posting to update you on our latest developments for Tradestation which are progressing well for both Tradestation Global and also Tradestation Securities. The first offers a…

Sneak peek into our indicator package for TradeStation GLOBAL
Indicators running in the CHART ANALYSIS app Chart Analysis windows are used to display price charts, perform technical analysis, back-test and automate strategies, and see open and filled orders for…

Sneak peek into our indicator package for TradeStation version 10
Indicators running in the CHART ANALYSIS app The Chart Analysis window is used to graphically display price data, perform technical analysis, back-test and automate strategies, and show orders and positions…