This area of the site has been developed for you as a customer of Quantum Trading, to help keep you up to date with what is happening with regard to the current platforms we support, and also our plans for those we are developing in the future.
As I'm sure you know, the platforms we support are constantly updated as new versions are released, and as a software company we are constantly aware of these changes and developing our trading indicators accordingly. Some of these changes are major, and others are minor. Sometimes we receive advance notice of a new release, but often we do not and therefore have to react accordingly.
The purpose here is to provide you with the latest up to date information on build levels and latest releases, along with any known problems that we are working on at present. We will always try to give an idea of time to fix, but as you can appreciate this is not always possible, but rest assured we are always well up to speed with most issues, but always welcome any feedback to help us in this area.
Finally in this section you can also keep up to date with our future plans for additional platforms. This will be updated regularly with roadmaps and timescales as we move forward. As a company we are committed to offering our indicators to as wide a trading audience as possible, and are always striving to achieve this wherever possible. Some platforms and suppliers do lend themselves to this more easily than others, so with some companies this is not an option. Thankfully this is the exception rather than the norm, and it is simply a question of allocating our resources accordingly to port our software from one platform to another.
As always, it is you our customers who are important to us, and we always welcome feedback and comments to help us develop and grow as a company. So if there is any platform or provider you feel would be a good fit, please just let us know – we would be delighted.

Re: Updates on MT4 and MT5 indicators
As I’m sure many of you know, our development team has been hard at work behind the scenes working on a host of improvements for both the MT4 and MT5…

Another indicator added to MT4/5 – VWAP this time!
I’m immensely proud of our development team at Quantum Trading, as porting the latest indicator across to the MT4/MT5 platform has been a headache for them, but I’m delighted to…

Adding The Volume Indicators To MT4/MT5
I know this is something many of our MT4 and MT5 customers have been waiting for, so I’m delighted to able to reveal that the development team is now hard…

Market strength indicator (MSI) for NinajTrader 8
The market strength indicator, or MSI for short, is another indicator that many Ninja customers have asked us to develop over the years. So, I’m thrilled to announce the version…

Volume relative strength indicator (VRSI) for NinjaTrader 8
This is the second of our new indicators for the NinjaTrader 8 platform, and what we have christened the volume relative strength indicator, or VRSI for short! As you will…

VWAP indicator for NinjaTrader 8 – one of five!!
At Quantum Trading, as I’m sure you know, we don’t just create one indicator. That would be too straightforward. What we like to do is to go that extra mile…

And here they are for NinjaTrader 8 – the new suite of volume based indicators
Once again, I’m thrilled and extremely proud to be able to announce that the suite of new volume-based indicators that our development team has been working so hard on over…

A new indicator you’ve all been asking for…..and here it is…the Market Strength Indicator for TradingView
The Quantum Trading development team has been working flat out for the last few months and perhaps you can understand why we have been rather quiet here as the work…

The NEW VWAP (volume weighted average price indicator) for TradingView – FIVE volume indicators in one!!
And as if producing one new indicator wasn’t enough, here our wonderful development team in the labs has produced FIVE IN ONE! So when you purchase the VWAP indicator, it’s…

Now launching a new volume indicator for TradingView – Volume Relative Strength Indicator (VRSI)
I am delighted and proud to announce the first of several new indicators that are rolling out today on the TradingView platform, following a huge amount of testing and development…