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The CSI is such an important indicator, I add it too every main chart and is a great insight to where the market is heading.

When all the currencies are on with the CSI it can look a bit of a riot of colour in the faster time frames where volatility is higher.It would be great to turn off the currencies your not tracking. Ninja trader 8 has a colour coded identifier, be really nice to turn off the currencies you don’t need here rather than going into the indicator control windows to do this.

At present I add the CSI to my main charts and turn off the currencies in the , when I then change my main chart to another currency pair, having the facility to change the CSI currency pair on screen would be really neat.

Just a suggestion is if you have the CSI in a separate panel on the main chart and showing only the currency pair you have on that chart, then change to another currency pair the old currency pair will be showing on the CSI
What would be very nice would be that the CSI would then display the currency pairs that you have switched too rather that showing the previous currency pairs.
So by changing the currency pairs on the main chart this would automatically change the currency pairs on the CSI indicator to that of the main chart.

Perhaps a tick box in the control panel indicator window to turn this function off?