MetaStock is a charting software used for technical analysis of stock and various other asset prices. A product of Innovative Market Analysis, it is a proprietary computer program realased originally by Computer Asset Management back in 1985.
By using the MetaStock trading platform you can scan, analyze, test and forecast over thousands of stocks, currencies, options and futures out there. With the MetaStock Explorer you can use your criteria to scan a universe of securities to find the ones that fit your strategy. It provides you insight of industry professionals when and where you need it using the MetaStock Expert Advisor. It features the exclusive MetaStock Enhanced System Tester which minimizes risk by allowing you to create, back-test, compare and ultimately perfect your trading strategies before you invest your money in the markets. Finally, the MetaStock Forecaster uses patent-pending technology to provide a new and unique way to view probable price direction using any or all of its 67 event recognizers.
Alongside the MetaStock charting software is MetaStock XENITH - an extensive real-time market news and analytics platform. MetaStock XENITH delivers information with power, depth, ease of use, flexibility, and scope of data that self-directed traders have always sought for. It pulls every relevant data you need as it lets you view the market at every possible angle in real time. Powered by Thomson Reuters real-time market news, all the news you need is at your finger tips with MetaStock XENITH's organized and intuitive user interface. From the "Top News," you can drill down based on industry, country, exchanges, security, topic, asset class... and much more. Searching what you need in MetaStock XENITH is just as intuitive specifying as many variables as you want with fast and logical search results. Most of all, with MetaStock XENITH's vast data drilling functions you can quickly discover developing trends as they happen across multiple markets at a macro and micro level.

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